
Sponsor-a-Plot Feeds our Community

The Sponsor-A-Plot Campaign for the Farm Fresh Food Drive is up and running, and we have begun distributing fresh, healthy produce to our local community.New Logo 6-1-08

Our first stop was to the Ukiah Plowshares where we delivered 35 pounds of summer squash and 25 pounds of cucumbers to a very dedicated and happy crew of cooks in their kitchen. Plowshares serves five hot, free meals per week in their dining room in addition to providing Meals-On-Wheels services. Over 27,000 meals and 24,000 deliveries are made annually through this incredible organization. We were proud to provide the cooks with fresh organic produce!

IMG_2349Our next stop was with the Willits Community Services and Food bank where we dropped off yet more summer squash and cucumbers!  The ability to donate this produce through our sponsor-a-plot campaign is such an incredible opportunity. Thank you to our donors, and please consider passing on the word to other community members who would like to see their donation multiplied throughout our community!


Please visit our crowdfunding page at www.gofundme/sponsoraplot for more updates and the ability to see your donation send a ripple effect throughout Mendocino.  Thank you!!!

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