Holistic Struggle with Star Thistle
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Holistic Struggle with Star Thistle

Star Thistle. It’s everywhere this year in the back pasture of the Grange Farm School. We curse it as it pierces our legs and remains unpalatable to livestock once it goes to flower. Even with a crew of 8 digging the plant out, we make slow progress against the vast brambles of thistle. But on…

Farm Fresh Food Drive: BEGINS TODAY!
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Farm Fresh Food Drive: BEGINS TODAY!

We need you! Act now, sponsor a portion of our vegetable and fruit production to be donated to a local charity. Our goal is to support the next generation not only how to grow food, but how to be giving and supportive of our surrounding community! http://www.gofundme.com/sponsoraplot Website Facebook manager@grangefarmschool.org

Shedding My City Skin
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Shedding My City Skin

Written by Rosie Gilchrist: June 2015 Practicum Student Mine is not a new story, not an uncommon story, not at all unique, yet despite this it seems necessary to tell it, to find space for my retelling. For it is a journey many are embarking on. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, often theoretically educated, overwhelmed individuals are…

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Where are we needed most?

Written by Elisha Allgood : June 2015 Practicum Student My name is Elisha. I want to make a difference. I want to be part of the solution to all the problems of conventional agriculture, such as the heavy use of chemical fertilizers, toxic water runoff, and overall unsustainable practices. But as someone new to farming,…

Hello From the Summer 2015 Term of Farm School!!
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Hello From the Summer 2015 Term of Farm School!!

The incredible accumulation of energy inputted into the 12 acres of Grange Farm School programming and growth finally culminated in a LAUNCH on June 1, 2015!    One very short month has zipped by since welcoming of the new class of students; and boy have we been busy! In the first week we covered Ecology,…

Meet the Team: Ruthie King!
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Meet the Team: Ruthie King!

Ruthie King here, Director of Operations and Livestock Manager at the Grange Farm School, pleased resident on the Ridgewood Ranch in Mendocino County, Representative of the Mendocino Farmer’s Guild, Overseer of the Little Lake Grange, Founder of “Be on time Mendocino” campaign, the list goes on.  When I first read the job description posted for…

Those Beds Aren’t Going to Prep Themselves..
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Those Beds Aren’t Going to Prep Themselves..

Tim Ward here, Farm School Co-director since this past December and current manager of the field crop production here at the Grange Farm School site. Planting time for the summer is almost here.  The “last frost date” (average) for the Grange Farm School main fields, in a frost-prone valley bottom of the Northern California coast range,…

HardCorps FarmiCorps #08
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HardCorps FarmiCorps #08

Meet George!  “Hello, my name is George Kassabgi and I am an AmeriCorps NCCC member. I am from the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts and I am currently 19 years old. I joined AmeriCorps after graduating high school and deciding to take action in a gap year before pursuing higher education. My plans for after the…

HardCorps FarmiCorps #07
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HardCorps FarmiCorps #07

Meet Annie!  “Hey guys! My name is Annie Windholz, and I am from Manhattan, Kansas. I joined AmeriCorps NCCC to become more involved in community service and non profit work, as well as to travel and meet new people. After the program I plan on traveling and working abroad, though I am not sure quite…

HardCorps FarmiCorps #05
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HardCorps FarmiCorps #05

Meet Ryan! “Hey there, my name’s Ryan Torngren. I’m from the City of Trees, aka Sacramento, CA. This is actually my second year of AmeriCorps. I joined up again to gain more experience and to finalize my goals in life. My plan after AmeriCorps is to go back to school. I’ll be working towards a career in child development, as…