Summer Term Students Settling In
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Summer Term Students Settling In

A month into the summer term, our six summer term students have settled into the routine of life on the farm. On an average day, they’re up and hard at work in our market garden by 6:30am helping our Garden Manager Joshua with harvest for the farmers markets, watering, weeding, trellising or putting together a…

Shedding My City Skin
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Shedding My City Skin

Written by Rosie Gilchrist: June 2015 Practicum Student Mine is not a new story, not an uncommon story, not at all unique, yet despite this it seems necessary to tell it, to find space for my retelling. For it is a journey many are embarking on. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, often theoretically educated, overwhelmed individuals are…

HardCorps FarmiCorps #07
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HardCorps FarmiCorps #07

Meet Annie!  “Hey guys! My name is Annie Windholz, and I am from Manhattan, Kansas. I joined AmeriCorps NCCC to become more involved in community service and non profit work, as well as to travel and meet new people. After the program I plan on traveling and working abroad, though I am not sure quite…

HardCorps FarmiCorps #06
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HardCorps FarmiCorps #06

Meet Alyssa!  “I am from Upstate New York. I joined AmeriCorps to travel, experience a year of service, and help pay off my current student loans. My original plan after the program was to go back to college. I’ve recently decided though that it will be an opportune time to travel and pursue my music…

HardCorps FarmiCorps #02
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HardCorps FarmiCorps #02

Meet Carinne!  Carinne is from The Colony; a suburb of Dallas, Tx. “Looking back, a particular experience got me “hooked” on AmeriCorps. One summer, I volunteered in Joplin, MO to help clear debris after a devastating tornado. An AmeriCorps NCCC team coordinated us volunteers and worked along side us in the field. This was such…

HardCorps FarmiCorps #01
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HardCorps FarmiCorps #01

Meet Tony!  “I am from Minneapolis, MN and pretty stoked to be living in California right now.  I found AmeriCorps NCCC through various friends and workmates who had all related enjoyable experiences and great travel opportunities.  I joined the program in order to volunteer in communities while appeasing a wanderlust and desire to see more…

The Beet Goes On!

The Beet Goes On!

Saturday night, these fabulous female farmers of Mendocino County entered the Sip Some Soup competition! Sip Some Soup is the major annual fundraiser for Willits Daily Bread, which offers a hot dinner Monday through Thursday at St. Anthony’s Parish Hall. What happens at this unique Willits fundraising event is that attendees sample each soup in the…