
Mendo-Lake FoodHub Ribbon Cutting at Wowser


“On Thursday July 23rd from 6:30  – 7:30  pm, Wowser will host a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Mendo-Lake Food Hub. We’d like to invite you to attend and celebrate with us. The Food Hub is accepting orders and delivering local produce to local restaurants, retailers, and schools. The Hub manages aggregation, storage, and distribution for local farms and connects producers with buyers.

Food producers upload the produce they have available for sale via a web-based system. Buyers select from the available crops and place their order. Farmers drop their produce at their closest available cold storage “node.” These refrigerated containers are strategically placed throughout Mendocino and Lake Counties including locations in Ukiah, Willits, the Coast, Lakeport, and Anderson Valley. The Willits node will be stored in a secure location at Wowser. Mendocino Coast Produce will pick up the produce and distribute to buyers.

Wowser is interested in creating a resilient economy by supporting local entrepreneurs and makers. Tied closely to that vision is the realization that a vibrant local food system is the back-bone of strong local economy. In support of that effort, Wowser is conducting custom classes for students from the Grange Farm School. A partnership with the Food Hub is a natural fit as it helps local farmers reach more customers and increase sales.mendolake-food-hub_logo

During the ribbon cutting ceremony there will be short presentations from John Bailey of the Food Hub along with local farmers and buyers who are participating in the project. There will also be hors devours available. Wowser’s Espresso Yourself Café will be open and serving local coffee and tea. In addition, there will be special tours and demonstrations of the various Wowser projects. As a 501(c)3 Wowser is accepting donations to keep worthy projects like this going.

We will also have a clothing swap  along with Wowser made items for sale at the event.  In addition, we will have tours and members working on projects. We will have awesome pressed flower necklaces and window hangings for a $25.00 donation.

If you’re a farmer, a business looking for local produce, you’re interested in forming a buyer’s club for personal use, or you simply want to continue to support these efforts, please come join us at 6:30 on Thursday July 23rd at Wowser to celebrate building a resilient local economy.

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