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HardCorps FarmiCorps #09

Meet Jessie!

I love it when you call me Little Jay.

I only drink tea if it’s grade A.

I’m from Wayne, “Dirty” Jersey and couldn’t be more proud.

You can take the lady out of Jersey, But you can’t take the Jersey out of the lady.

Jessie Con40 is the illest.

Some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some chill.

“I joined AmeriCorps to add excitement to my post grad life. Wanderlust was an additional contributor to my decision. I love a challenge and helping others so this is the perfect program. I don’t look too much into the future because living in the present is a philosophy I live by. However, my future aspirations include becoming a lady boss, traveling the world (what’s up Thailand and India, I see you!) helping others, spreading diversity and gender equality, and exploring as many of my interests as possible. Never settle. My initial thoughts have changed since joining the program. I wasn’t sure what to expect and never knew how challenging and fun AmeriCorps could be. Shout out to our team, “Silver 3” for continually making me crazy while simultaneously making me laugh till my stomach hurts. My team is supreme. Organic farming has impacted me positively. I am more conscientious of what I am eating and where it is coming from. Grass feed beef all the way! Organic farming has also showed me what hard work is. I give huge appreciation to all the organic farmers out there! I’ve learned something new everyday here and intend to carry it with me wherever I go. T-post pounding is one of my favorite things to do on the farm. Meditation rocks. “Everything you have is everything you need.” This blog post is dedicated to Christopher Wallace and the 973.”

If I got to choose a coast, I got to choose the East.

I live out there so don’t go there.

But that don’t mean a lady can’t rest in the West.

“I decided to interview Pete, a community member here at Ridgewood Ranch because he speaks wise words of wisdom that I thoroughly enjoy. This is a transcript of that interview.

How long have you lived at Ridgewood ranch?

Less than a year.

Where were you born?

East Oakland, California.

What part do you play on the farm?

Mostly a helper in the kitchen, remodeling the apartments here, painting, I love to paint especially with a brush. I show up when people need me the most. I offer massages for any community member, church member and intern.

What is your favorite part of Ridgewood Ranch?

I love working in a community where everyone is compassionate, respectful and appreciative. I love helping people.

What is one thing you wish to see change in the world?

I would like to see evidence based assertions.

What is a philosophy that you live by?

Be authentic. Answer only to yourself. Be responsible for all of ones life conditions. When we refuse to have a victimized attitude, even when justified, we allow ourselves the experience of our inherit and full power. Quality of life. Send love. Never keep track of someone else’s karma. Always own yourself 100 percent. Don’t give people your power.

Why is organic farming important to you?

Personally I prefer a cuisine that has not been poisoned or genetically altered.

What do you plan on doing in the future?

I am presently, actively working on my bucket list. My bucket list is things I’ve always wanted to do, in some cases for decades, and haven’t been able to do. Playing the drums, acting, and learning how to play chess are just a few.

If you could give a group of 18-24 year olds a piece of advice, what would you say?

First of all, when I was that age I wish I understood some of the wise words spoken to me. Listening is more important than speaking. Never do anything out of anger, as a dare or other forms of peer pressure. Depression does not mean a person is worthless, it simply means that something in your life must be changed. Give everyone you meet permission to have a bad day and realize some people will need that permission quite often.

What are some of your passions and/ or interest?

Music. Singing. Playing the guitar. Skateboarding. Boxing. Acting keeps me out of my shell; it’s like being a kid again.

Where is your favorite destination? Future destination?

My undiscovered country is myself. Inner destination instead of physical. If you can discover everything about yourself then you will enjoy every other physical place you go. Destination of happiness. What I like about any place is how I feel when I’m there.

Tea or coffee?

Coffee, but I do like iced tea.

Tea relieves my stress, what do you do when you need to relax?

I try to keep my life in balance. The best care for stress is preparation. I schedule time: me time, exercise, time with friends, building play sets and box.

What is or was your biggest struggle?

Breaking free from a religion in my late thirties that had originally enslaved my mind when I was a very small child. Also, quitting smoking. January 17th, 1991. 24 years clean.

Do you feel that folks? That feeling is called enlightenment.

Thank you Pete for making this world a more beautiful place :)”

-Written by Jessica Conforti of AmeriCorps NCCC

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