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HardCorps FarmiCorps #05

Meet Ryan!

“Hey there, my name’s Ryan Torngren. I’m from the City of Trees, aka Sacramento, CA. This is actually my second year of AmeriCorps. I joined up again to gain more experience and to finalize my goals in life. My plan after AmeriCorps is to go back to school. I’ll be working towards a career in child development, as I love working with kids, while also tackling my passion of special effects make-up. Being in AmeriCorps for a second time I have no new expectations. At least I hope not. That would be awkward. Organic farming has had a big impact on my life I don’t know where to begin. I have learned that organic farming can produce some damn good fruits and veggies.”


“Here is a song that I rewrote to describe my experience here the Ridgewood Ranch. The song is The Lion Sleeps Tonight by the Tokens, but Ranch style. In case you didn’t catch all of those lyrics from our live version, here are our lyrics describing some tasks we’ve done with the Farm School.”

 On the Ranch, the awesome Ranch the trees get pruned today.

On the Ranch, the awesome Ranch the weeds get pulled today.

Near the Grange the busy Grange the tent’s get built today.

Near the Grange the busy Grange the compost save the day.

Bring the team, the Ameri-team stuff gets done today.

Bring the team, the Ameri-team you’ll be proud of us today.

-Written by Ryan Torngren of AmeriCorps NCCC

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