
Sponsor-a-Plot Feeds our Community

The Sponsor-A-Plot Campaign for the Farm Fresh Food Drive is up and running, and we have begun distributing fresh, healthy produce to our local community. Our first stop was to the Ukiah Plowshares where we delivered 35 pounds of summer squash and 25 pounds of cucumbers to a very dedicated and happy crew of cooks…

Laytonville, Covelo, Potter Valley Field Trips

Laytonville, Covelo, Potter Valley Field Trips

Every time we visit or talk to a new farmer, we expand our perception of the possible.  Whether it is a new gate latch or potato hilling technique, a new niche marketing concept or community building dynamic, or some other unique challenge with a context specific and creative solution, we find that farm tours and…


Mendo-Lake FoodHub Ribbon Cutting at Wowser

REPOST FROM WOWSER’S BLOG “On Thursday July 23rd from 6:30  – 7:30  pm, Wowser will host a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Mendo-Lake Food Hub. We’d like to invite you to attend and celebrate with us. The Food Hub is accepting orders and delivering local produce to local restaurants, retailers, and schools. The Hub manages…

The Beet Goes On!

The Beet Goes On!

Saturday night, these fabulous female farmers of Mendocino County entered the Sip Some Soup competition! Sip Some Soup is the major annual fundraiser for Willits Daily Bread, which offers a hot dinner Monday through Thursday at St. Anthony’s Parish Hall. What happens at this unique Willits fundraising event is that attendees sample each soup in the…