Testimonial From a Former Student
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Testimonial From a Former Student

Germination By Matt Gal I’m having trouble deciding if magic is the right word to describe my time spent at the Grange Farm School. It’s the only word I know that can accurately sum up the overwhelmingly beautiful, educational, and improbable experiences that I had there. I’ll start by freely admitting that I had no notion of…

Holistic Struggle with Star Thistle
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Holistic Struggle with Star Thistle

Star Thistle. It’s everywhere this year in the back pasture of the Grange Farm School. We curse it as it pierces our legs and remains unpalatable to livestock once it goes to flower. Even with a crew of 8 digging the plant out, we make slow progress against the vast brambles of thistle. But on…

Illustrations of the Farm
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Illustrations of the Farm

Pictures and Captions by Sarah Brady : June 2015 Practicum Student Grazing Cattle: Cattle grazing in the field between our sleeping and studying quarters and the grange crop/grazing field. Annual grasses (now dry having set seed already) include wild out (Avena fatua), ripgut brome (Bromus diandrus), hedgehog dogtail grass (Cynosurus echinatus), and some soft chess/brome (Bromus hordeaceus)….

Lease Clinic and Potluck This Tuesday, July 14th!
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Lease Clinic and Potluck This Tuesday, July 14th!

Creating Secure Land Tenure Agreements: Lease Clinic & Potluck DATE: July 14, 2015, TIME: 4:30-6:30 Workshop; 6:30 Potluck/Mixer LOCATION: Howard House, Ridgewood Ranch, 16200 N. Hwy 101, Willits, CA (map) Are you a farmer or rancher looking to lease land in the North Coast region? Are you already leasing but wish to learn more about…

Farm Fresh Food Drive: BEGINS TODAY!
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Farm Fresh Food Drive: BEGINS TODAY!

We need you! Act now, sponsor a portion of our vegetable and fruit production to be donated to a local charity. Our goal is to support the next generation not only how to grow food, but how to be giving and supportive of our surrounding community! http://www.gofundme.com/sponsoraplot Website Facebook manager@grangefarmschool.org

Shedding My City Skin
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Shedding My City Skin

Written by Rosie Gilchrist: June 2015 Practicum Student Mine is not a new story, not an uncommon story, not at all unique, yet despite this it seems necessary to tell it, to find space for my retelling. For it is a journey many are embarking on. Young, idealistic, enthusiastic, often theoretically educated, overwhelmed individuals are…