What is Adaptive Agriculture?

People ask me “what is ‘adaptive agriculture’ after hearing I completed the Practicum program at the School of Adaptive Agriculture. For a long time my answer was a list of the things that the school teaches at its best (Holistic management, Resiliency, Theory blended with practicum, backyard engineering) , rearranged for a farmers context, so that they heal and nourish communities, bodies, ecosystems and soil.

 It got to be such a mouthful to provide a mission statement for saving the world.  I’ve since realized that for me, Adaptive Agriculture has a much simpler explanation for the uninitiated.

Adaptive Agriculture seeks to create farmers that can adapt to farming in a changing world.

There is no clear path for young farmers back to land, no step-by-step process to follow. It sucks, but its true (If you aren’t rich or landed). BUT there are many paths back to land that can be followed with persistence and savvy.

So, If you want to holistically ranch, grow herbs, fight for farmers in Sacramento and Washington, Six Figure farm, grow cannabis, contract graze sheep and shear, learn biodynamics,  seed save, rebuild engines and tiny houses the school knows someone in its network or has an alumni they can probably connect you with.   If you want be exposed to some of the best ideas in farming, rip them to pieces and weld them together so that they work for you, the school will help you grow very quickly.

Adaptive agriculture ‘adapted’ its program to me. The schools orchards are where I started my apprenticeship with being a fruit tree orchardist.  

The world needs holistically aware farmers now. Who are you waiting for to give you permission to  leave the city and learn to use the earth to provide a life for you. The School sdapted to me, the farmer, so that I could adapt my farming to a changing world.   If you come to SAA with a open heart ready to learn, I’m sure the school could help you adapt agriculture to yourself too.

James Bording
SAA Alumnus, Summer 2016
Orchard Manager, Ridgewood Ranch

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