
Whole Farm and Ranch Planning

Remember reading about our “Holistic Struggle with Star Thistle” a few months ago?  The Grange Farm School uses Holistic Management principles in decision making, and we recommend it highly to entrepreneurs, land managers, farmers, ranchers, and business owners!

Holistic Management International is providing two trainings in whole farm and ranch management at the Grange Farm School this Winter. Both series spend the first day introducing Allan Savory’s holistic decision-making framework, how it differs from how we typically make decisions, and how to use it to consistently make better decisions and plans for the land, people, and money involved.

The first series (three two-day workshops) is Whole Farm/Ranch Financial and Business Planning in January & February.  This series covers financial planning, marketing, and business planning.  You can attend all six of the sessions for $100 if you sign-up by January 3rd.  Bring your partner if you aren’t the only one that has a say in how your dollars are spent.  Some people are not skilled at financial planning.

No less important is the second series. The six Land Management sessions are in February & March.  These workshops teach you to manage land holistically and they cover biological monitoring, planned grazing, and land planning.  You can attend all six sessions for $100 if you sign-up by February 9th.

‘People don’t plan to fail, they fail to plan’  

Planning holistically is essential.  Learning how is the first step.  You will learn how by doing the planning.  Bring your decision-making partners if teamwork is needed to create the kind of life you want.  And please spread the word to others that may be interested.  Scholarships are available.

***This week, HMI is giving a 20% off promotional code, so the entire course costs $80. This is thanks in part to a large grant given to HMI to help subsidize the cost of the program for beginning farmers.  Please send this out to others in your network who you think would benefit from the opportunity!***

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