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HardCorps FarmiCorps #04

Meet Dre! 

“I’m Andre Cutchin from Newport News, Virginia. I joined AmeriCorps for a new experience and plan on going to a trade school later. My outlook on things has changed through time in volunteer work, and I have higher expectations for me and my goals. Working on an organic farm made me appreciate nature more. I enjoy the farm life and all that comes with it.”

I enjoyed having fun with the horses and getting to know them at the T.R.A.I.L. organization at Ridgewood Ranch. I also enjoyed learning about fruit trees and how much work gets put into them. Working in the garden has been fun getting down and dirty while weeding. Building fences and cleaning seeds was awesome, too. While doing all of this stuff, I am learning new skills that I can take forward with me in life.

-Written by Andre Cutchin of AmeriCorps NCCC

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