Farm Incubator Program

Do you need space and support to grow your farm business?

Affordable land access is often a barrier to entry for farmers in this region. To help address that issue, SAA has developed flat, fenced arable land available for rent with access to ag water for irrigating crops, cold storage, processing shed with potable water, and a tool library with some necessary items. The incubator farm also provides mentorship, support with business planning, and the opportunity to farm in a community setting with other farmers and ranchers.  Land access is not limited to only people interested in pursuing the well-known “market farm” model; SAA encourages all types of applicants and different scales of food production.

Applications are due by February 28, 2025 for priority consideration in this year’s farm cohort

Interested applicants should fill out the application form below.  Someone from the SAA office will reply when we’ve received your form.

For people who are a good fit for the program, here are some of the details about what you’re signing up for: 

Farmers in the incubator program commit to at least one year farming the land, with the agreement automatically renewing annually for up to three years. As we know, farming can sometimes go sideways, so if that happens, participants agree to clean up their area of the field and cover crop it when they leave. Participants are expected to abide by upkeep and soil management practices specified in their agreement with SAA. Farmers will be invited to attend trainings and workshops that are part of the program and to participate in periodic work parties that help keep the farm space operating and welcoming for everyone. 

Fees include:

  • On-boarding fee $150
  • Security deposit $400 (refundable)
  • Land: $20 monthly
  • Tool Libray and Facilities Access: $20 monthly
  • Tractor work (optional): $60/hr

If you have any questions, call or write SAA Director Michael Foley at or 707 510-7473.

Incubator Farm Application

Applicant Details

Only one application form is needed per farm. If two or more people are proposing to farm together make sure to make clear each partner’s farming skills and experiences and provide a brief resume for each partner.


Please provide names and contact information for three references.

Supporting Documents

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
You may upload a cover letter to add anything you think relevant to your application that hasn’t been covered by the questions above.