Jumping the Regulatory Hurdles


Jumping the Regulatory Hurdles to Managing a Food or Farming Business

Sunday | January 29 | Noon to 3 PM

Instructor: Michael Foley

Location:  TBA

Doing business requires more than just a passion for what you are doing, some capital, and an ability to market your product. This workshop deals with the licenses, permits and regulations that affect farm and food businesses


Jumping the Regulatory Hurdles to Managing Your Food or Farming Business

Course Description: Doing business requires more than just a passion for what you are doing, some capital, and an ability to market your product. It also requires licenses, permits and adherence to regulations.  And those affecting food businesses can be particularly bewildering. Learn about the hoops and hurdles you will have to navigate to run a small farm or food business, including:

  • how food safety regulations affect small farmers and livestock producers,
  • the certified producer certificate (CPC) required of farmers in California,
  • farmers market and wholesale regulations, and
  • the ins and outs of cottage food permits, canning permits, and temporary food permits.

There will be time for Q&A with a farmer and a food producer who have managed the hoops and hurdles for some years, and we will focus on areas of special interest to participants.

Instructor’s Bio: Michael Foley is a co-founder of the School of Adaptive Agriculture, oversaw the Little Lake Grange’s community kitchen users group for several years, has been the long-time manager of the Willits Farmers Market, and is the author of Farming for the Long Haul.