Organizing for Easy Living


Organizing for Easy Living


Thurs | Feb 3 | 7pm-8:30pm

Instructor: Takashi Yogi

Format: Zoom

Learn ways to reduce chaos and make your everyday life smoother. If you are tired of clutter and often can’t find what you need, there are some easy methods that can help you get organized. This online course will be illustrated and will include interactive discussions with participants to address everyone’s individual needs. Specific situations we will discuss include the kitchen, the workshop, the farm, filing systems, computers, cars, and notebooks.


Organizing for Easy Living
Takashi Yogi

Learn ways to reduce chaos and make your everyday life smoother. If you are tired of the clutter and often can’t find what you need, there are some easy methods that can help you get organized. This online course will be illustrated and will include interactive discussions with participants to address everyone’s individual needs. Specific situations we will discuss include the kitchen, the workshop, the farm, filing systems, computers, cars, and notebooks.

Instructor’s Bio: Takashi Yogi is a retired medical electronics engineer, builder, and mechanic with over 60 years of experience. These jobs require high organization, and the same principles can apply to everyday life. He has taught classes in carpentry, electricity, plumbing, engines, and communications for the School of Adaptive Agriculture.

Payments are non-refundable. Upon receipt, you will be sent a Zoom link for the class. This is for your use only. Be aware that the views expressed by instructors are theirs alone and do not represent the views, opinions, or advice of the School of Adaptive Agriculture, its staff, donors, or supporters. In general, advice on the use of herbal products or treatment offered in online classes has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended as authoritative in diagnosing, treating, curing, or preventing any disease.

The SAA Virtual Workshop Series is made possible with the support provided by The Granting Fund (COVID-19 Nonprofit Relief Fund) of The Community Foundation of Mendocino County.