Getting Familiar with Electricity


Monday | October 17 | 2:45 – 4:00 PM

Instructor: Takashi Yogi
Site: The School of Adaptive Agriculture at Ridgewood Ranch

Most people use electricity daily, but have no idea of how it works. This class will remove some of the mystery and teach you to use electricity safely. We will cover basic circuits, appliances, simple repairs, house wiring, and how to avoid getting electrocuted. This is a hands-on class and we will measure electric current, monitor electric consumption, and wire electric outlets. Solar energy, LED bulbs, and batteries will be covered.

Pre-registration is required, space is limited

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An introduction to the basic concepts and principles of electricity and their application around the farm or household.  Learn the difference between AC and DC, volt, watt, and amperage and what all these terms mean for practical electrical work.  Learn basic safety principles and how to go beyond changing that light bulb.

About the Instructor: Takashi is a retired medical electronics engineer who is a volunteer teacher at the School of Adaptive Agriculture, where he has taught carpentry, electricity, plumbing, and engine classes for 5 years. He also has built several buildings on site, including a student kitchen/shower, octagon dining shelter, cabins, and a strawbale cooler. He also is in charge of repairs and has over 60 years of experience fixing everything from clocks to cars to computers.