Showing all 2 results

  • Eating & Growing Wild: “Salad University”


    Eating & Growing Wild: “Salad University”


    Sat | Mar 26 | 2pm-5pm (PST)

    Instructors: William Taylor and Jaye Alison Moscariello

    Format: Zoom

    Learn about Floodgate Farm’s creations using wild plants, learn to identify, how to use, and the health-giving properties of dozens of plants, both cultivated and wild. These can also bring additional income to new or established farms. We will show photos of what we use in the salad mix, smoothies, wild chips. We will also cover drying plants for winter use in colder climates, make a smoothie using the ones we grew in Massachusetts, and discuss how we make our wild chips and other products. There will be time for questions and discussion, and we’ll offer electronic access to handouts.

    Instructors’ Bio:  Bill Taylor, Farmer from 2003-present, gardener since 1972, Salad University Instructor, Pianist, Composer.  Jaye Alison Moscariello, Painter, Farmer since 2009, Salad Univ. Instructor, Self-Taught Raw Foods Chef, Producer, filmmaker.

  • Best Practices for Regeneration


    Best Practices for Regeneration

    $40 ($30 w/ discount code)

    Tues | Mar 1 | 12pm- 3pm

    Instructor: Patricia Vargas de Gauder

    Format: Zoom

    Learn all about time- and money-saving best management practices on a regenerative farm. Guided by the seasons, we’ll cover a full year’s cycle from spring to winter tasks including how to build your own soil, create closed-loop systems of the land, reduce cost and work output, work with native and perennial plants, and create final products for storage and for sale. Discover how to adapt to each process as the seasons change, establishing best practice habits that create flourishing ecosystems which benefit self, community, and environment.