Check out what others are saying about the School of Adaptive Agriculture! We are always looking to spread the word, contact us if you are interested in learning more.
How to Become a Farmer in California? Get a Mentor.
By: Capital Public Radio
“There are several other California programs that have popped up in recent years to support beginning farmers… The School of Adaptive Agriculture in Mendocino runs a three-month vocational program for people who are considering farming or ranching as a career. It includes courses on the history of agriculture and farming philosophies, as well as practical skills such as how to fix farm equipment or repair a broken fence.”
The Next Generation of Local Food
By: The Ukiah Daily Journal
Grange Farm School Becomes the School of Adaptive Agriculture
By: North Coast Opportunities
The School’s fiscal sponsor writes about the name change and what Adaptive Agriculture truly means.
By: Ruthie King
Farm to table podcast featuring the Director of Operations, Ruthie King.
By: Ree Slocum
A look into the life of a few students attending the School of Adaptive Agriculture.
By: Daniel Spiro
From App Design to Farming: Training the Next Generation
By: Elizabeth Archer
The new Mendocino, California-based Grange Farm School offers an affordable, 3-month training program for aspiring farmers.
Willits News Opinion Piece
By: Kate Maxwell
A summary and introduction to some students participating
in the fall 2015 term at the Grange Farm School
Willts Weekly: Hot Buttered Rum Benefit Show
By: Damian Sebouhian
Hot Buttered Rum played a wonderful benefit show for the Grange Farm School on halloween this year, check it out on pg 2 and 6.
Willits Weekly: 10th Annual Harvest Dinner
By: Jennifer Poole
The Grange Farm School hosted the Harvest Dinner for a benefit show and fed an entirely locally sourced meal. Page 2.
Greenhorns Radio :
Episode 206 – Ruthie King
Greenhorns activist, Severine Von Tscharner Fleming interviews Ruthie King about the Grange Farm School.
The Little Lake Grange &
Farm School
Driving Food Home bloggers come to visit the Little Lake Grange & Farm School!
Mendocino FarmHack:
Fuel Farming for the 21st Century
Organized by the Mendocino Alcohol Fuel Group, the Grange Farm School, and The Greenhorns, this weekend long symposium will bring together business owners, engineers and mechanics, farmers and home scale producers to explore the possibilities of ethanol production and use.
Faces and Visions of the Food Movement: Farmer Michael Foley
Jen Dalton
An article from Civil Eats. Michael Foley is a Mendocino County, California-based farmer dedicated to helping young farmers find access to land and education.
Published In a Cookbook!
Dianne Reber Hart
“The Farmers Guild Cookbook” introduces 19 food producers from 14 California farms, the new generation of men and women running family farms or renting acreage for grass-fed cows, free-range chickens and rows of sustainably grown produce.
Interview on the Farmers Guild
with Ruthie King
KZYX Farm & Garden radio show interviews Ruthie King about The Farmers Guild and local food in Mendocino county.
New life at Sonoma County’s
historic Granges
Mary Callahan
A surge of interest in natural foods, local sourcing and environmental sustainability is bringing new life to the Civil War-era Grange movement, driving participation and restoring its relevance among modern folks yearning for connection to one another and to the food they consume.
Grange Farm School comes to
Ridgewood Ranch
Karen Rifkin
Moving onto the Ridgewood Ranch. First plans, info and excitement about the Grange Farm School!
NPR interview with Antonia Partridge
National Public Radio interviews Antonia Partridge on the beginning of the Grange Farm School.
Farmers Guild
New Group in Town
Adrian Baumann
Farmers Guild, a new group building community of young farmers.
Charles Acker interviews John Wick
John wick is the co-owner of the Marin Carbon Project, which seeks to enhance carbon sequestration in rangeland, agricultural, and forest soils through applied research, demonstration and implementation. John talks about The Grange Farm School after attending the Farm Hack event “Fuel Farming for the 21st Century” at the Little Lake Grange and Ridgewood Ranch.
Mendocino Farm Hack
A blog post from The Greenhorns advertise the upcoming Farm Hack event “Fuel Farming for the 21st Century”. This weekend long event will bring together business owners, engineers and mechanics, farmers and home-scale producers to learn about the possibilities of ethanol production and use.
California Grange Futures Tour
The Greenhorns come to Mendocino country and the Little Lake Grange. The tour is a traveling multimedia exhibit about the Grange movement in America.
Grange Farm School:
innovation for the future
Allison Dickson
With the average age of farmers in the United States currently 57 years, the folks of the Grange Farm School thought it was about time to take some innovative steps to create a positive future for farmers. Activity at the Grange Farm School is getting into full swing, where students are learning through hands-on service and study, just as the heat of the summer arrives.
KXYZ Ecology hour on Mendocino Fuel Alcohol Group
Charles Acker on Ecology Hour for KZYX radio station interviews Ruthie King and Cody Bartholomew on Fuel Farming for the 21st century. Check out the radio show and stay posted for future discussions!