Happy Holistic New Year!

Happy Holistic New Year!

With new years resolutions just beginning to sink in, we encourage you to add another: to think holistically, act holistically, and manage your land holistically. If you want to learn more about holistic management, there are some really incredible opportunities coming up including more from Holistic Management International, and a collaborative workshop between the Savory…

Holiday Giving… or Friendly Lending

Holiday Giving… or Friendly Lending

The Grange Farm School works to improve the future of farming by training the next generation of farmers.  We recognize how important community support is in that endeavor, and are constantly stressing the fact that a network is key to success in farming. From the moment of this school’s inception, there has been a herculean amount of help from the…


Remember, Remember the First of November

The count down begins at the Grange Farm School including two more monday meetings, six pigs and sixty chickens to slaughter, and a tasty thanksgiving farewell party. We begin this week recovering from halloween by tucking our wigs and face paint away and digging out our carhartt’s and boots. Hot Buttered Rum played a benefit…

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Illustrations of the Farm

Pictures and Captions by Sarah Brady : June 2015 Practicum Student Grazing Cattle: Cattle grazing in the field between our sleeping and studying quarters and the grange crop/grazing field. Annual grasses (now dry having set seed already) include wild out (Avena fatua), ripgut brome (Bromus diandrus), hedgehog dogtail grass (Cynosurus echinatus), and some soft chess/brome (Bromus hordeaceus)….