Mushroom Propagation for Forest Fire Prevention
Learn how to turn a problem of overgrown forests into a solution of propagating mushrooms. Students will get an overview of approach to forest stewardship and hands on experience harvesting materials to propagate shitake mushrooms outdoors.
A two-day workshop including lodging and all organic meals. Students will go home with their own inoculated log to fruit at home.
Saturday and Sunday, March 18th and 19th | 10 AM – 4 PM (Rain dates: March 25th – 26th)
Instructors: Blair Phillips and Levon Durr
Location: Abuela Gardens, Willits
Suggested price: $300.00
Learn how to turn a problem of overgrown forests into a solution of propagating mushrooms. Students will get an overview of approach to forest stewardship and hands on experience harvesting materials to propagate shitake mushrooms outdoors.
Saturday will be an introduction to forest stewardship and a 2 hour intensive on mushroom propagation, with an introductory hands propagation workshop. Day two will be an applied practicum in which we will harvest materials and inoculate them with Shitake spawn. We will provide an all organic lunch and dinner on Saturday and all organic breakfast and lunch on Sunday. Students will go home with their own inoculated log to fruit at home.
The workshop suggested price is $300; but students may choose to pay $200 – $250 according to their ability to pay for both days, including organic meals (2 lunches, 1 dinner, 1 breakfast) and camping or bunk yurt housing included. Students are encouraged to bring extra cash for products they can purchase as supplies for applying what they learn at home. Myceliated plugs, spawn, and tool adapters will all be available for purchase.
Instructors Bios:l
Blair Phillips, the founder of Abuela Gardens (2013), has a BA in Environmental Studies with an emphasis in Agroecology and education (2006). Blair is a certified permaculture designer and teacher who has studied with the best(2007), including Dr. Elaine Ingham, Geoff Lawton, Darren Doherty, Penny Livingston, Broc Dolmon, Ian Davidson, Steve Gliesman, Michael Smith, and Michael Flynn. (2004-to present). Blair is also the founder of Common Vision (1999), ( a non profit organization responsible for planting thousands of fruit trees in California, many of which were planted on California’s school campuses by a waste vegetable oil powered caravan of earth educators. For more information on Abuela Gardens go to
Levon Durr has been an amateur mycologist for over 20 yrs. He holds certifications in Permaculture Design, Mycorestoration, and Mushroom Cultivation. Levon founded Fungaia Farm in 2011, a mushroom company located in Eureka, CA focusing on fresh and medicinal mushrooms, mushroom growing supplies. “My goal is to provide mushroom spawn to home and commercial growers for food production and for cleaning up the environment through mycoremediation.” More information at: